Sweet and sour chicken

Chicken -1 kg(boneless)
Corn flour-100 gms
Maida/palin flour-50 gms
Egg-2 nos
Soya sauce-1 tbspn
Chilly sauce-1 tbspn
Tomato sauce-2 tbspns
Red colour-1/2 tsp
Capsicum-1 nos
Celery-1 stick
Tomato-1 medium
Garlic-4 cloves(chopped)
Spring onion-2 nos
Pine apple-1 slice
Chicken stock-2 cups


Clean and cut the chicken into medium pieces.
Make a batter of corn flour,plain flour,chilly sauce,salt and beaten egg.
Dip the chicken peices in the batter and deep fry.
Cut the onion,capsicum,celery,tomato into quarters.
Heat oil in a pan,saute the abouve vegetables one at a time for a minute,except toato and pineapple.
When the vegetables gets half cooked add the sauces.
Now add the chicken stock and allow it to boil for 5 mins.
Add the fried chicken to it and add salt if needed.
When the chicken gets well blended in the sauce,add tomato and pineapple pieces.
Garnish with spring onion.



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